domingo, 30 de março de 2014

Here are some pictures of the final work.

Those are celtic protection symbols.
It is my actual keychain.

Pyrography (woodburning) project 04

This keychains comes with the woodburner. It is ideal for a small project and has great use and fast results. It is completed quickly and is useful to try the burner's temperature and functioning.


Woodburnig is not about strength. It is about temperature!
If we use too much pressure, the work ends up almost carved and with too much texture.
You can always use a fine grained sanding paper for wood to remove yellow discoloration wich  comes with too hot temperatures and standardize your work.

Modified burning tip

This is the original Antex burnig tip wich comes with the woodburner.

And this is mine.

I think it is much more handy. The pointed tip is dispensable because the burner comes with several. This way we have a greater area of contact with the wood. 
It is great for large areas and even for the entire project.

sexta-feira, 28 de março de 2014

Pyro Master (pyrography, woodburning tool) review

This is a simple review of my new woodburner.

The fact that it has two different temperatures doubled my whole perspective, all possibilities and a whole world of pyrography. It seems to me that, as a second burner, is quite good and is already a major evolution.

It works quite well although I think sometimes loses the intensity of the temperature momentarily.

After a few minutes the temperature increases slightly in the fingers, but it is a matter of making a short stop (few seconds are enough) to cool.

Subsequently made ​​an adaptation of one of the tips included with the wood burner.

Will post pictures later.

You can find it here.

I bought it from Amazon and it costs £22.65.

I think it's not too expensive considering the versatility.

Pyrography project 03

This is the second part of the box below.
Here are some pictures of the final work.

I use it to keep my tarot cards, as you can see.

Pyrography project 02

This is a complete process.

I show you the draw transfer to the wood, the burning process and one coloring method.

Do not begin with something geometric. For this type of project is necessary to know the woodburner, the functioning of its temperature, to have a very steady hand and experience. I advise something more free hand. Start with a small and simple draw, so you have your project done quickly, become accustomed to the burner you are using and have quick results.
Here are some pictures of the final work.

quinta-feira, 27 de março de 2014

Pyrography woodburning tutorial

This was my first video and my first project.


I made also a review of my wood burner.

This is a good one to start with.
You can find it here.
This is a low cost machine. On Amazon, where i bought it from it costs £16.73.

I also made a review of my first book.

This is a great book. It has all you need to know to get started and make beautiful projects.
You can find it here.

I bought it on Amazon and it costs £10.34.

Ricardo Coelho AKA Richy

Hello everybody.

I'm creating this blog to center all my pyrography work.
I'm planning on posting pictures, tips and movies of my projects.
You're free to give your own advices and tips.
Actually I would appreciate if you do so.

You can also follow me on Youtube.

Hope you enjoy.

Thanks for visiting.