sábado, 19 de abril de 2014

Pyrography project 16

Pyrography on wooden box.

This work is part of a project I called "Zodiac Signs Series".

This one is the Aquarious sign project.

Dragon Notebook

This notebook I made for myself.
It is a plain notebook with envelope at the end to put loose sheets.

Pyrography project 15

This work is part of a project I called "Portuguese writers series".

This one is Eça de Queiroz, another portuguese "master of poetry".


On the sides of the box I also includde one sentence chosen by the customer.

In this case I includded the customer's name.

Pyrography project 14

Pyrography on paper (notebook cover).

Pyrography project 13

Pyrography on Kung Fu weapon (saber).
Here are some pictures of the final work.

In this notebook I also made collage of photographs of haute couture inside.

Pyrography project 12

"Fashion Notebook"

Pyrography on paper.

Notebook cover.

domingo, 6 de abril de 2014

Here are some pictures of the final work.

Pyrography project 11

Another Valentine's Day project.

Pyrography project 10

This is one of my Valentine's Day project.

A heart shaped box.


Here are some pictures of the final work.

Pyrography project 09

This work is part of a project I called "Portuguese writers series".

This one is Fernando Pessoa, a portuguese "master of poetry".

If you enjoy poetry you should read one of his books.


On the sides of the box I also includde one sentence chosen by the customer.

Here are some pictures of the final work.

quinta-feira, 3 de abril de 2014

Pyrography project 08

I got the design for this box from the book below (Celtic Designs).

Project 06 and 07 where made with designs from these books I list below.

You can find it here.

It costs £7.19.
Is one of my favourites. An excelent book to trace designs at a great price.

You can find it here.

It costs £7.56.
I find that this is also a good book. You find celtic designs for diferent shapes.

You can find it here.

It costs £9.38.

I would like to emphasize that all these books are just drawings. Do not have any additional information. The floral themed also contain the names of flowers.
All links I put are from Amazon because it was where I acquired all the books. They are also sold in other places, of course. Feel free to put other sources.


Do not start immediately thinking of selling your work. Start with small items. Can be gifts for people you like or even things for you. It also tastes good. This way you get an idea of your development. The pressure to do work for sale does not help much in our personal development.

Pyrography (woodburning) project 07

This box was a present for my mother in law.

Pyrography (woodburning) project 06

This is a box that was part of a Christmas present.


Here are some pictures of the final work.

Here is a picture of the final work.

Pyrography (woodburning) project 05b (part 3)

These are the other two sides of the same box.

Here are some pictures of the final work.

Pyrography (woodburning) project 05 (part 2)

These are two of the sides of the box below.

Here is a picture of the final work.

Pyrography project 05

This is my first sold work.

I was so happy.
