sábado, 19 de abril de 2014

Pyrography project 16

Pyrography on wooden box.

This work is part of a project I called "Zodiac Signs Series".

This one is the Aquarious sign project.

Dragon Notebook

This notebook I made for myself.
It is a plain notebook with envelope at the end to put loose sheets.

Pyrography project 15

This work is part of a project I called "Portuguese writers series".

This one is Eça de Queiroz, another portuguese "master of poetry".


On the sides of the box I also includde one sentence chosen by the customer.

In this case I includded the customer's name.

Pyrography project 14

Pyrography on paper (notebook cover).

Pyrography project 13

Pyrography on Kung Fu weapon (saber).
Here are some pictures of the final work.

In this notebook I also made collage of photographs of haute couture inside.

Pyrography project 12

"Fashion Notebook"

Pyrography on paper.

Notebook cover.