quinta-feira, 24 de dezembro de 2015

Pyrography project 58

Pyrography on A4 notebook cover.

This project took me 6 hours.

Made with Razertip SS D10 and two tips.

Original artwork by April Schumacher.

10 x 10 cm

Basis for cups.

Made with Razertip SS D10 and two tips.

domingo, 29 de novembro de 2015

Pyrography project 57

Notebook cover pyrography of autumn illustration.

Made with Razertip SS D10.

This project took me 5h20m.

sexta-feira, 27 de novembro de 2015

The three "P" of pyrography

1st – Patience
2nd – Persistence
3rd – Practice

Start with small and simple projects.
Practice as much as you can. Practice makes perfect.
Don't be scared of making mistakes. Everyone does.
If you have a darker area that shouldn't be there, try darkening the rest around that area if possible. It might be a solution. If not, try to sand it down. If not start a new project. lol.
Use temperature as low as you can and increase as you go to darker areas, or start with the darker areas and low the temperature as you go. Never start from the middle tones.